Space for Our Planet in Trento, Italy


On June 12th took place the inaugural event of “Space for Our Planet” exhibition in the park of the Muse Science Museum in Trento, Italy. Designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop Architects, Muse is the latest concept center for scientific culture diffusion. It combines the traditional interest in natural history and research, with specific attention to the environment and sustainable development. 

The event in Trento is an important step for the exhibition as Poste Italiane decided to produce a stamp special postmark “ Muse – Space for Our Planet- to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of the famous Italian astronomer Margherita Hack. 

If you are in Trento, take the chance to visit it. The  access to the park  is free of charge and the exhibition will be displayed until end of September. 

Since its opening in 2013, the museum has attracted more than 1 million visitors. More information:

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